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Life Events

"Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

(Philippians 4:6-7)

Renewal of Wedding Vows

A renewal of vows ceremony has no legal status. Renewing your marriage vows is a public statement of your continuing love, affection, and commitment to each other. You may choose to renew your marriage vows for reasons that are important to you like for example to celebrate a significant anniversary, and where better than in our beautiful Church and in the presence of God. We can help you mark this occassion by renewing your vows in the Church.

Do remember though that a renewal of vows in a Church is not a reenactment. We strongly encourage you not to wear a wedding dress (as you are already married) and unfortunatly you will be unable to 'walk down the aisle' (as our service of Thanksgiving for Marriage does not allow this). There is also no role for any bridesmaids (as there is no bride) or bestman.

We can help you choose music and readings for the service which could be identical to those when you got married. Whether you would like to invite all the family or keep the service smaller and more intimate, we can help you. Do speak to us to discuss your options.

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First Communion

If your child was baptised as an infant and they have started primary school, then they will be looking to receive their first communion as a member of the Church. Communion is the receiving of bread and wine, the body and blood of Christ, during our Parish Eucharist service. We will prepare each child as they take this first step in making the faith their own. Typically this is offered to children between the ages of five and ten.

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Confirmation is an important milestone in making faith your own, especially if you were baptised as a child. It marks the point in the Christian journey where those who have been baptised make a firm commitment to live and work as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop, the Church asks God to fill each candidate with the power of the Holy Spirit to live the life of a disciple. We can take candidates from around the age of ten.

To enquire about being confirmed within the Church of England please complete our enquiry form or contact our parish office.

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Everyone has a vocation. A vocation is what you are called by God to be and do. For some it could mean serving God through faithful discipleship in everyday life and for others it can be a calling to ministry and the religious life. If you are exploring a vocation to ministry within Easthampstead Parish, then please contact us as we would love to explore this further with you. 

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Memorial Service

We always offer the opportunity for those who have lost loved ones to hold Memorial Services in Easthampstead Parish. We will provide support to put services together to meet personal requirements, and remember all that was good in the lives of the departed. So, if you are in this position yourself, or you know of local people who are, please be reassured and pass on this message. If you would like to register an interest in having a service once it is possible again (without obligation), please contact our church office.

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